The Pit Boss

The Pit Boss While playing on the tables in Kbcwinneers you will always see one of those nasty pit bosses keeping an eye on the play at each table. When I say nasty there really only doing their job. Whilst playing Matka boss at Broadwalk next to the Monte Carlo we were playing at a $5.00 table with around 2 other people playing. The others were just playing $5.00 a hand and looked as if they had lost a bit. After around 15 minutes I was up around $90.00 which was good for me, I turned around and this guy had joined the table and put $100 down on the table playing one hand. He won and doubled his money, he then placed the $200 on the table and won again this time with a Matka boss. Meanwhile I was putting down $15 a hand and winning as well. The guy then changed his chips and joined us at the table and carried on winning. As soon as this started happening the pit boss was over and was giving us all dirty looks, at this time the guy next to me who had started with $100 had $1200...